DIY 1st Aid Kit For Travel and Vacations.

Looking to make your own DIY 1st Aid Kit For Travel and Vacations? In this post, I’ll talk about what’s inside mine and how you can make your own.
When things go wrong while traveling it can be a headache to find what you need in order to feel better. Like getting an ear infection in Mexico or catching a cold in Italy. So when I sent out looking for a 1st aid kit for traveling, I wanted something that would cover all of my needs in any emergency. I found that most pre-bought kits did not include medicine and contained enough gauze to stop an amputated leg. (Why so much?)
I needed a 1st aid kit that could help me with common travel accidents and illnesses. So I did my research on what could possibly go wrong, past experiences, and intuition. That all led me to this DIY travel 1st aid kit.
I have a complete list of the inside contents down below but I want to talk about how to put the kit together first. Plus the reason you might need these items.
1st Aid Main Pocket

Let’s start with the main component, the pouch. It is a very nice quality and has a sleek look which I love. There are 3 pockets on the inside and 1 main zipper. I got it from Amazon in black and small because it goes with all the other bags I keep inside my luggage. I can fit a lot inside of it and actually, it’s not even full as we speak.
The things I have inside are hand sanitizer because you don’t want to touch a wound with bacteria on your hands, washing is preferred but you can never be extra careful. A pack of bandaids in all sizes for different types of cuts. I’ve even used them when I have been walking a lot when my shoes rub on my ankle. Add some Neosporin using a q-tip before you put the bandage on to help with healing.
A thermometer is great for knowing when a fever has kicked in, and how bad the situation may be. Add some hydrocortisone cream as it will come in handy for rashes, bites, stings, and extremely chapped lips. Next is an ankle sleeve brace if you’re prone to twisting your ankles. (I realized I accidentally bought a wrist brace instead so I still need this one) They also work like compression socks.
Put in a small roll of gauze and burn cream for 1st-degree burns. This can be useful if you burn yourself taking a cooking class or starting a campfire. You can apply the cream and wrap yourself with the gauze to start healing and protect the wound from debris.

1st Aid Side Pockets
Cough drops are a must not just when you have a tickle in your throat and you don’t want people thinking you have Covid. But also when a cold is coming along and you need something to get you through the day.
You can not go to a beach destination without ear drops, trust me. I didn’t know I was prone to swimmer’s ear until I started snorkeling. Now I always bring eardrops plus swimming earplugs!
Lastly, tweezers in case of splinters and icy hots for sore muscles. Maybe from a heavy backpack or walking all day. And some alcohol wipes to clean and disinfect wounds or surface areas.
Pill Case

Also included this pill case which is awesome! It can store so many different types of pills. I keep mine in the main pocket of my travel 1st aid kit and it takes up such little space. On the top larger compartments I keep Tums and Pepto chewy’s. I think of these things like levels 1 and 2 if I were to eat something that messed with my stomach while abroad.
Tums is level 1, if something just made it a bit queasy. Pepto is level 2 and that’s if I got a full-on stomach bug. On the bottom half, I have Cold/Flu pills, for revealing symptoms associated with the cold or flu like runny nose, sneezing, and congestion or sinus pressure. Basically mucus stuff.
Add some Advil for inflammation pains like strained muscles, cramps, or swelling. And Tylenol for fevers and headaches. Also have Allergy pills, nausea pills, and lastly Vitamin C to keep yourself comfortable and your immune system working great.
Using this case allows me to compartmentalize all the different types of medication I might need on a trip. This allows me to avoid having a bunch of different bulky pill bottles.
DIY 1st Aid Kit Checklist For Vacations
- Advil
- Tylenol
- Tums
- Pepto
- Nausea Pills
- Vitamin C
- Allergy Pills
- Band-Aids
- Neosporin
- Bite Cream
- Heat Pads
- Ear Drops
- Thermometer
- Ankle Brace
- Alcohol Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Cough Drops
- Tweezers
- Q Tips
- Rolled Gauze
- Burn Gel

Since I made my 1st aid kit I have peace of mind that I’m ready for most situations that may come up while away from home. Have you put together your kit yet? If not…
Start Making Your DIY 1st Aid Kit for Travel and Vacations
I hope this helps you get inspired to create your own DIY 1st Aid Kit For Travel and Vacations. Am I missing anything or didn’t cover a specific situation? Let me know in the comments below.
Happy exploring!

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